
Fancy Favicon!

Treasure & Tranquility now has a favicon!

What is a favicon? It's that little picture that comes up next to the title of a webpage while browsing....

I assume that most moms frequent the same sites? haha

...or in the Blogger dashboard.

I think they look pretty cool! And it's soo easy to create one, I followed the tutorial over at C.R.A.F.T. I just used the same image as my button (created by Kim at Wandering Wicopy)

Classes have started for me, and Sweetpea will be starting preschool next week. I'm hoping that I will get into a routine soon that will include blogging more. But who am I kidding? I'm just not a routine person. Meh.

1 comment:

I love to hear thoughts from family and friends, new and old. Thanks for reading my posts!

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